26 Mart 2014 Çarşamba

What is Kindle Publishing

What is Kindle Publishing
There are a lot of companies out there who offer eBook writing platforms. However, Amazon Direct Publishing is leading the race. Find out why below.
Fresh Audience. Each day, Amazon is taking in new members who capitalize on the lending services it offers. Your eBook could be one of those that people will be looking for. With the saturation of titles in specific literary genres, your eBook might just be what people are looking for to get new perspectives about certain subjects. Envision how your work will be exposed to different minds as they absorb your ideas and use it to learn, to be entertained, or to be inspired.
Higher Royalties. For 2012, Amazon prepared a budget of $6 million to fund its royalty payments to eBook authors. That is a very significant increase from 2011's $600,000 budget. That means that the outlook for eBook sales this year is much higher than before. Sales and royalty payments are based on the lending service provided by Amazon. In addition, up to 70 % of royalties can be paid to you if your eBook gets significant sales from customers.
Book Promotion. Some authors do not have the freedom to promote their books because of contract limitations. With Amazon's platform, eBook authors can promote their free eBooks in a manner they like through a tool called Promotions Manager. Although eBook authors can only promote their free work, they get a chance to start reaching out to people by making a name. The next eBook is likely to do even better than the first as one's reputation grows.
Feedback Management. This very useful benefit offers eBook writers to change for the better. There are a lot of feedback types that writers can learn from as readers comment about content, style, and almost everything they can think about. Besides that, eBook authors will also be able to get their share of commendation for the best qualities in their book or their skill in writing.
You have read only four of the benefits you can have when you choose to get your eBook published through Amazon Direct Publishing. The rest will come along as you go about your life as an author. Now, let's get you started!

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